Get Your Mind Right with the Law of Attraction
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Photo by Kevin Schmid on Unsplash |
When I mean anybody, I mean anybody. From celebrities to fashion models to rock stars--there's no reason you can't enjoy the same level of abundance and influence.
Yes, really. If you were to put all of your energy and feeling into manifesting a dream, no matter how lofty it appears, it would unfold for you.
Two things may be holding you back: lack of imagination, and lack of belief in yourself.
If you're active on social media, it may seem like everyone is doing better. They're in a solid relationship, they're expecting a child, they just got a big raise at work, they've moved into an expensive house. Or, they've got impossibly flat stomachs, snatched waists, and flawless skin. What's more, they get to make money from having those stomachs, waists, and complexions. These are the Instagram "baddies" or models.
If we don't have a healthy perspective about social media, it can lead us to believe that our bodies and careers are inadequate or unexciting. That's the curse of social media: being connected to people all over the world has never been simpler, yet so often we're not connecting on that heart-to-heart basis because we're too busy competing or feeling like failures or buying into the idea that we're "less than" because we're not accumulating millions of followers on IG or going on luxurious trips to Dubai (these trips are not all that luxurious, by the way. Do a little research on what really happens during these trips to Dubai).
Social media can suck us in, deplete our energy, dull our thinking, and leave us feeling like utter failures.
But that's all in your head.
What I propose is taking a "social media vacation." This can be for an hour, a few hours, a day, a week, a month, whatever feels right for you. But you must abstain from social media, so no checking IG or Facebook or Twitter. Pinterest might be okay, since there's so much invaluable and beautiful content there that inspires rather than depletes. But, try to limit your dependence on your phone.
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Photo by on Unsplash |
As you are now, how would you spend an ideal day?
Make a list of those interests or patterns. As an example, mine is below:
1. I loved reading and writing as a child, and always had an interest in becoming a writer.
2. I loved learning about history as a child.
3. I love skincare and coming up with beauty concoctions.
4. I love helping people and listening to their troubles.
5. I love studying spirituality.
Hmm... Those seem kinda vague. So next, I might make a list of qualities I like about myself, as follows:
1. Compassionate
2. Thoughtful
3. Loyal
4. Goofy sense of humor
5. Perfectionistic
Then, I might combine these qualities with my interests.
"I am so happy to be using my compassionate nature to help children," or "I am enjoying having unlimited time to study history so that I can be more knowledgeable about myself and others." Perhaps, "I love that my compassionate and loyal nature wins me innumerable clients."
"I'm so excited that I can combine my love of writing with my thoughtful and goofy nature to create content that not only affords me an abundant living, but uplifts other people"
This is a small exercise to get you thinking about your unique, beautiful traits and how you bring substance and meaning to the world. Instead of feeling lame because of social media, you feel uplifted and proud of yourself. These qualities are who you truly are. What's more, these are the traits that allow that heart-to-heart connection that is so often absent in our lives. These qualities, which we can put into the service of others or ourselves for personal development, allow us to lift up others as we traverse our life path. And, in turn, we are uplifted.
For additional tips on manifesting the life you want, check out What You Think, You Create: Understanding the Law of Attraction.
As a final exercise, one to help you on your way to visualizing your best life, consider creating a mock article/interview about yourself. As you work on this, imagine that you are the best version of yourself and exactly who you would like to be. Imagine you're being profiled for a story. You could write it in the style of an article like we might find in a beauty or glamour magazine with an actress, in which the interviewer describes meeting the actress and discussing her life and achievements with her. But if you'd like, you could design it more as a Q&A-style interview.
Feel the excitement as you write out your profile. Feel the pride and satisfaction of being recognized for being you and bringing your gifts to the world. Intersperse this project with tidbits of things you'd like to manifest.
For example, if you want to be an architect, but you'd also dearly love to attract a soul mate, work that you're married to a wonderful man/woman into the article. Describe them and your life together, exactly as you'd like it to be. If you'd like a vacation home in Maui, describe the property to the interviewer. If you'd like a spiritual retreat at a monastery, have the interviewer ask about your experience there.
Make this as alive as you want! Add as many details and specifics as possible, from the color of your soul mate's eyes to the way the light shines through the trees of your Maui property. Infuse this project with your dreams and craft it in such a way and with such joy that you believe these things are coming to you.
This can be a 10-page document if you want. It can be one page. It's up to you. Just enjoy creating it! And reread it every day, at least once.
During your social media vacation, also remember to do things that are uplifting to you. Have a luxurious bath with candles and oils. Go on a nature hike. Drink tea. Nap. Watch a funny movie. Light incense and meditate. Play with your dog. Make love. Snuggle under a blanket and listen to a rainstorm. When you are in a gentle, peaceful state, you are better able to cultivate positivity and put yourself on the right vibrational level for manifesting all that you desire.
Think about how joyful it would feel to let go and just believe that you are powerful beyond measure, worthy, and capable of having anything you desire. That's when miracles happen.
In closing, much health, wealth, beauty, and love to you all.